Tuesday 16 April 2013

I've Been Through A Humid Subtropical Climate On a Horse With No Name

Hi everyone,

We arrived in Buenos Aires last night after our stay at the Estancia La Constancia and our visit to the Iguazu Falls. We are here for 4 more nights before we head home. 

This post is dedicated to our stay at the Estancia. The Estancia was located just outside the little town of San Javier which is about a 3 hour drive from Cordoba which we were told by a local Cordobian is the heart of Argentina ;) The Estancia was originally built in 1897 and is nestled in a valley between two mountains. We were hosted by Luis and his brother Augustine who own the Estancia - it has been in their family for several generations. Their grandmother actually planted many of the trees you will see in some of the below pictures. We only spent three nights there and could have stayed longer. Lance and I were both sad to leave. The location was beautiful, the food delicious (and gluten free!!!) and our hosts were awesome. 

On our first night at the Estancia, we took a short hike up to one of the surrounding hills to enjoy a very scenic sunset with some vino.

Lance took a great shot of a spider. Pretty sure this was the bastard who bit my face in the middle of the night. I have had a big welt above my left eye brow for about a week now. 

This was the view from our room. Lovely!
 A shot of one of the buildings around the Estancia.
There was a little creek running through the property with fresh spring water that was drinkable and quite delicious.
 Another shot of the property.
 Augustine took us for a hike one day up to one of the hills surrounding the Estancia. It was a quick hike with amazing views of the surrounding area.
 Jasmine, one of the dogs who lives at the Estancia accompanied us on our hike. She was a good bitch.
 Exploring the grounds.

 Lance getting in touch with nature and harnessing the power of Greyskull. Dustin, that was for you.
 There was even a church on site built over a 100 years ago.
 Inside the church an old school organ? (we think)

 Augustine also took us horseback riding around the property one day. Our horses didn't have names. They were identified by their personality/disposition. I don't quite know what was wrong with my horse....he would go super super slow and Lance and Augustine would be way ahead of us. Then, all the sudden, he would start running to catch up. It caught me off guard and I totally would tense up-  STABILIZER MUSCLES ENGAGE. I had a sore back for the next three days. Such a city slicker.

Lance and I both agree that our peaceful three days at the Estancia was a highlight of the trip!

A post of the Iguazu Falls to follow soon.

Love you all,

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    Good to hear that things are going well for you two again. I read the post about your encounter and I am glad things turn out ok with Amy and you.

    Things are about the same in Regina. I still have snow...

    I enjoy the blog a lot. Keep writing and posting pictures.

